There are a few blogs I follow that inspire me in cooking and everyday life. I happened to check one of them out today and the post was one that needed to be shared.
The post from on September 30th was about chocolate chip bars from a bake sale cookbook. Now, this isn't just an ordinary bake sale cookbook, it's actually for a cause...for something more than your typical fundraiser events. These chocolate chip bars come from the cookbook titled, "Cookies For Kids Cancer: Best Bake Sale Cookbook."
Recipegirl's post brought me to her son's blog. featured another recipe from this cookbook called "Prince Liam's Peanut Butter Cookies." (This is the part that tugged at my heart strings) These cookies were made for a little boy named Liam who was diagnosed with pediatric cancer when he was just 2 1/2 years old. His mom held bake sales to raise money to find a cure.
When I became a mom, I started looking at the world differently and it will never look the same as it did before I had my son. When I hear of diseases, ailments, conditions, etc. that affect children, it breaks my heart. I have no idea why something like this would happen to such a little guy, but my heart goes out to his family and anyone who ever has to go through something like this.
If you're interested in checking out this cookbook or becoming involved in the cause, visit
( and will be giving away 3 of these cookbooks to raise awareness for this charity. If you'd like to be entered in their contest, visit each of their blogs for more information.)
Thanks for the shout-out! So sweet of you to do!